15 February 2010

My Top 10 Fantasy Guys-Real and Fictional

Everyone has their list. I just want an excuse to look at eye candy and "decorate" my blog this evening, so I'm posting mine. I will start with my top 5 dreamiest fictional characters, countdown style, and then go on to my top 5 faves "as themselves". Grab a snack and enjoy!

Michael Scofield in Prison Break

This guy goes to prison for the sole purpose of breaking his falsely accused brother OUT. That's love. And, um, look at him. Yum, yum yum!

Jack Dawson in Titanic

Jack could draw me in the nude any day. Yes!!!

Noah Calhoun in The Notebook

Wowsers, this guy has passion. And when he just grabs her like that on the dock...oh how I love that tingle. :)

Jim Halpert in The Office (US)

Because he is Jim. And I would totally be his Pam.

Edward Cullen in Twilight

Don't you dare make fun of my Edward or I will cut you. For serious.

And now for my top 5 stars I would totally, um, yeah.

5. Jude Law

If I saw him on the street, it might take more than a few security guards to keep me from jumping on top of him.

Ryan Phillippe

Very sexy...too bad he's a d*ck.

Billie Joe Armstrong

Did I just lose you there? I have no idea why, but a guy with eyeliner does it for me. He just does.

John Krasinski

I know, I already had Jim Halpert on my fictional character top 5, but he is just so endearing that I can only image he is just like his character in real life. And he is totally nice to look at.

John Stewart

Because he's handsome. And funny. And somehow, I imagine he is a great dad. And that is the sexiest characteristic to possess in my book.